Want To Sell Root Concepts Stickers In Your Store Or Booth?
Set up an account to get wholesale prices below!
FREE Root Concepts Displays
when you order enough stickers to fill it!
Request a Catalog!
Contact us here to request a catalog, or, click on the button below to download a digital copy today!
Fax Your Order In!
This is the place to get Wholesale Root Concepts Stickers, Lip Balm, Greeting Cards, Art Posters, and Gallery Prints.
Becoming a wholesaler is easy:
- Click on Log In to apply
- Fill out our form and register for an account
- E-mail customer service us at: info@neverbetter.com, saying you want to apply for a wholesaler account and make sure to include your Tax ID Number.
- Once you have been approved you can either order online or fax over our Order Form. We will also send you one of our wholesale catalogs!
- Order a minimum quantity of 6 per design for: Stickers, Lip Balm, and Greeting Cards, to receive wholesale pricing.
- Order a single product to get wholesale pricing for: Art Posters and Gallery Prints.
If you have any questions or problems setting up your wholesale account, please contact us at 800-313-5463
or email us at: info@neverbetter.com.
Wholesale FAQ’s
How do I set up a Wholesale Account?
Just create an account online, and either call or send us an email and we will update your account on our end so that you receive wholesale pricing online!
How do I know if I qualify for a wholesale account?
To qualify for a wholesale account, you need to have a tax payer id number, and order a per design quantity at least 6.
What are your wholesale prices?
Please contact customer service at 800.313.5463 for current wholesale pricing of stickers, lip balm, greeting cards, canvas prints, posters, and apparel
What is the suggested retail price for your stickers?
Small bumper stickers and mini stickers sell between $1.00 – $2.00/each, Large Bumper Stickers sell between $3.00 – $5.00/each. Lip Balms and greeting cards sell between $3.00 – $4.00 each.
How do I get a display for my store?
- Just order enough of the root concepts stickers to fill your display, and we’ll send you the display for FREE! All you need to pay for is the display shipping, which varies from $10.00 – $20.00 depending on the display selected.